Wednesday 7 May 2014

Sauteed Bell Peppers In Raspberry Vinaigrette

This is a brand new recipe which my Holy Guardian Angel dictated to me after I returned home from the gym today. I was in the mood for something light and simple. I have had too many meals which were coated in tahini or peanut sauce over the past couple of weeks. This recipe is very light and low in calories. This makes a great dish
for a person on a diet to consume. I have forever been trying to take some weight off. This has been very difficult for an unusual reason which none of you will understand. I have been having negative energy disrupt my entire life. This energy has interfered with me attending the gym. For this reason I have had to remove everybody from my Facebook. I have started a brand new life free of people who don't want me to do well. They can no longer read my status updates. I no longer have to psychically perceive them crying every time I have something positive happen to me. This is what I wanted to make possible in my life.

The following recipe is located at a website called Squidoo. I have been using Squidoo to create various recipes which have not been posted on this blog. These recipes are posted on an online magazine called GoodVeg. I haven't been able to make duplicate posts of everything. There is only so much time in a day. I am currently engaged in a very intense juggling contest with myself competing against myself. That would be a lot of juggling. 

Sauteed Bell Peppers In Raspberry Vinaigrette

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